695 Riverview Drive
Still renovating, landlording, and taking notes about it for an operating manual. My favorite part is actually selecting the items to install and doing the work.
Here are the pictures from the most recent renovation, apartment B2:
I’m about to finish another renovation, apartment B4, within the next few days and I expect it to rent quickly. It is pretty much standard.
The next apartment, apartment A2, is more exciting. It will be the “Skunk Works” apartment with several major top-secret design overhauls that take some of my materials selection strategies to the extreme. It is unique, and minimalist but functional with high-quality materials. Should be done by the close of April. Stand by for photos next quarter.
Landlord’s Operating Manual
This is a double-down on the apartments. The manual describes my system in detail. I am looking to make it available to other landlords and aspiring investors.
PI Time
I remain the Secretary at Kineomen and record a monthly summary for the company.
Kineomen is trimming down to its winning parts.
Simple Kneads Gluten-Free Bread
Great product, great people.
These are the only money-making ventures that make the cut. I am trimming everything else out.
Friends’ Venture of the Quarter
Check out Travis and Marcus’ Paveway.
They are five years out of the military, and this project has several years of momentum now. Paveway is about business development, and they just put up the website complete with a few blog posts. Read, comment, interact!
Below this point did not make the cut!
“Stop Doing List”
and lessons learned from four years of trying to do everything.

Real Estate Agent
(Maintaining the license!)
I am supporting my current clients, and maintaining the license, but not taking any new clients. I really appreciate all those who took a chance on me as a new agent and I feel fortunate that my clients are happy with their transactions. Real estate really is a lot of work, but it is fun too. Thanks everybody!
This was the most difficult to say ‘no’ to because I was just starting to gain some momentum and the money is great.
Don’t worry, I’m a part-timer for life! Any questions, let me know. Free advice, free guy with MLS access!
Meet Cbus TV
I would love to make this happen, but I simply do not have time. This is not a side-job. This would be full-time. Producing videos is time-consuming. Once you are reasonably good at it, figure an hour per minute of video, and that is if you already know what the content will be.
Clean video requires an hour per minute, PLUS thinking up and planning the content.
Nate TV
I still have the structure, the video equipment, and the editing software. I still have many videos that I really want to make! Down, but never out!
Park City Holdings
This ended some time ago, but I wanted to list it because I learned so much looking into the note business. It really helped me understand lenders’ motivations and value quality lenders as a real estate agent.
Columbus Area Technology Club
I love talking about tech.
Real Estate Agent by Location
This arose from my desire to do real estate close to home, and I hoped to help other agents do so as well, around the country! However, making money by referring is really hard to do. You are like the broker to the middleman and it is too many steps removed from the value creation.
Nate the Columbus Commuter Biker
Maybe with all these projects off my plate I can actually ride my bike again sometimes!
Art Gallery
I’ve dabbled in the idea of transporting art from Brazil for sale in friends’ establishments here in Columbus, but it’s another thing that just takes time time time. I will still write about it!
Uber Driver
People, my car is just too old and I’m not buying a car just to make $12 / hour!
The Stock Market
Every time I hear somebody talk about the stock market, whether up or down, I am so glad that I have reclaimed the time and energy by not paying attention to that pie in the sky to which I’m always an outsider.
Vino de Coco
I still plan to visit the Philippines. Still.