Ventures Update September 2018

695 Riverview Drive

I have been renovating apartments consistently since May. The rent is paying for the renovations and the apartments keep getting better and better as I develop my system.

There is one empty right now with a waiting list for when I finish it.

Click here for the building’s website.

Writing Landlord Book!

Together with my neighbor landlord who has 40 years of experience with 40+ units, I am writing a book. For a title, I am thinking:

The Real Estate Reality Book: How to Make 10s to 100s of Thousands of Dollars Doing Actual Work, Creating Actual Value as a Real Estate Investor


  1. What is a Landlord Really? A Short History and the Modern Landlord
  2. Should I Even Do This? Guiding Principles for Your First Purchase, and Property Evaluation Spreadsheets
  3. Do It Right. Pride of Ownership and Money Come Hand in Hand
  4. Do It Myself, or Hire It? The “Money Flow Chart” Decision Tree
  5. The Numbers. Quantitative Analysis of Owning Real Estate
  6. Just Pick a Number and Use It. The “GRM Continuum”
  7. Operator’s Manual: Which [_____]I Buy and Why
  8. Operator’s Manual: Tools Required
  9. Operator’s Manual: Spreadsheet by Unit
  10. Operator’s Manual: Dimensions Reference
  11. (Almost) Passive: Hiring a Property Manager

Real Estate Agent

I am selling my parents’ house:

I also made a video for another agent on his listing just like that. It came out great, and I’m looking to do more of them for a fee.

Nate TV

The What to Watch series got too much too handle weekly and I covered too many subjects to effectively get people involved.

I am starting the very specific channel, Nate the Columbus Commuter Biker


The venture capital thing is challenging. I am getting with my brother to make a list of lessons learned as we go forward in this type of pursuit. Kineomen is alive and well.

Simple Kneads Gluten-Free Bread

Simple Kneads is consistently producing its quality product and growing as a brand.

Vino de Coco

I still plan to visit the Philippines. Still.