I describe an aggressive focus on outdoors and ventilation. There has yet to be a single confirmed super-spread event associated with only outdoor activity despite countless indoors. Outdoors are great! Gather outdoors! If you must be indoors with others, ventilate. Open the windows and turn on a fan.
I am essentially agreeing with aerosol transmission here and saying aerosols can account for the whole pandemic without droplets. Droplets, despite fanatical media backing, have yet to be shown conclusively to be a COVID-19 spread vector and certainly not the primary vector.
- The virus spreads almost exclusively by aerosols.
- The aerosols must be trapped indoors to concentrate enough to infect.
- There is an extremely strong correlation between infectious dose and severity of the resulting infection.
Aerosol Transmission Versus Droplet Transmission
These terms sound technical. They are a little technical. I was not familiar with them prior to the pandemic. However, they are not difficult to understand and the terms are critical to understanding the transmission debate. We should be educating ourselves and understand the basic terminology.
Aerosols = micro-droplets = airborne transmission. Travel a long way in the air and can concentrate indoors. Primary prevention measures are fresh air and ventilation.
Droplets. Larger, fall from the air within about 2 meters unless propelled. Can be mitigated by physical distance and masks.
Sources Addressing Aerosol Spread
They refer to it as “enclosed space” transmission also.
March 2020: https://www.pall.com/en/aerospace/commercial-fixed-wing/how-cabin-air-systems-work.html This is an excellent description of aircraft cabin air circulation.
3 April: Viral load, infectious dose, and severity discussion: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2238819-does-a-high-viral-load-or-infectious-dose-make-covid-19-worse/
1 Jun: Talks about K value of the virus and super spreading: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/01/k-number-what-is-coronavirus-metric-crucial-lockdown-eases
29 June: https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/06/air-conditioning-may-be-factor-in-covid-19-spread-in-the-south/
6 July: https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciaa939/5867798, signed by 239 scientists from around the world. My #1 favorite. These people are heroes.
8 July: https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200708/air-conditioning-may-be-spreading-covid
July: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/7/20-0764_article
16 July, start at position ~49:00 with the super spreader question and listen about 10 minutes, two questions answered: https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/podcasts-webinars/episode-16 If you prefer to read it, go to position 0:51:00 in the transcript and read to 0:53:00: https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/sites/default/files/public/downloads/ep._16_transcript.pdf
30 July: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/07/why-arent-we-talking-more-about-airborne-transmission/614737/ This is a long article unifying many of the well-known aspects of the virus into a clear image of the virus that clearly contrasts with the mainstream prevention advice.
17 August: https://eenvandaag.avrotros.nl/item/ventilatie-in-het-klaslokaal-op-orde-iedere-school-zou-een-co2-meter-moeten-hebben/ In Dutch. Talks about using CO2 meters to measure the buildup of exhaled breath.
25 August 2020: https://www.bmj.com/content/370/bmj.m3223 Their science is aerosol spread. Good, thank you, it’s obvious. They make an attempt to justify the complete bullshit (sorry, but that’s what it’s come to) droplet theory holdout by saying that it’s old entrenched science. Nah, it’s government-influenced convenient fear tactics to advance government control. Keep fighting the good fight.
31 August: https://www.dearchitect.nl/stedenbouw/blog/2020/08/hoogbouw-na-corona-101251735 (translates well to English) Dutch architecture magazine talking about high-rise buildings post-pandemic.
December: World Health Organization! These posts are dated July, but the WHO didn’t link from their front page until ~December. The WHO still focuses on creepy dystopia “solutions” but at least somebody there is making noise about fresh air and ventilation.
Seeking Challenges
- Confirmed outdoor transmission absent of indoor possibility. This is difficult as most outdoor gatherings have an indoor component as well, but not impossible . The list of indoor transmission events is long and clear and they include whole buildings independent of physical distance. If the virus were spreading outdoors, there ought to be at least one purely outdoor event to point to … ? Anybody?
- Confirmed droplet transmission that cannot be explained by aerosol transmission. Difficult, nearly impossible, but would be a compelling challenge.
I personally believe my theory: Anthropogenic Coronavirus Theory, is correct, and EBSRS-CoV-3 (commonly known as SARS-CoV-2), that causes COVID-19, was born indoors. Because of that, I believe:
Summary: Trapped-Air Aerosol Spread Versus General Aerosol Spread
“Trapped-air” aerosol spread is a sub-category of the more general aerosol spread. The additional identifying property of trapped-air aerosol spread is that the aerosols must be trapped in an enclosed space and concentrated without being neutralized over time to transmit a virus.
Classifying the Evidence, Key Statements
- Evidence for aerosols cannot be explained by droplet spread.
- Evidence for aerosol transmission does not exclude the possibility of droplet spread.
- Evidence for droplet spread could almost always be explained by aerosol spread.
- Aerosol spread prevents us from excluding droplets.
- To conclusively exclude droplet transmission would require attempting to transmit from close range while blocking aerosols. Even with willing participants this would be difficult. I believe the best way to test droplets would be to host an outdoor sports event with willing participants and random seating, then control the attendees in quarantine for 14 days after the event to determine the spread during the event in an outdoor setting.
- The best evidence for droplet exclusion as a vector is the ineffectiveness of masks in Hong Kong, but this is admittedly inconclusive and has been largely ignored thus far.
COVID-19 Transmission Strengths
The virus’ transmission strength is that it is light and floats on the air. Aerosols. Yes. We know this. It is highly transmissible and it is airborne.
The virus spreads with enormous viral load in the spreader, filling up an enclosed space thoroughly from wall-to-wall, corner-to-corner, in a room or building as the spreader simply breathes and everybody breathing in the space is infected. The virus gradually concentrates in a room, floating on the air in tiny particles. Once the virus concentration reaches a critical infectious dose threshold, it infects everybody in the space regardless of proximity to the spreader because of dispersion and gradual increase of concentration!
Even physical distancing is not the answer!
COVID-19 Achilles Heel
The virus has an Achilles heel. The virus needs something very specific that we have the power to take away:
The virus’ weakness is that it is domestic. It is an indoor virus. It needs to be trapped indoors and concentrated to spread. It is a tiny fragile RNA virus. The virus needs its friends. The virus army needs strength in numbers. The virus’ weakness is that its infectious dose threshold is high and only can reach the infectious dose threshold indoors with efficiently trapped air and time.
Some Evidence by Correlation: Known Spread Vectors Are Indoors
- Nursing homes
- Meat packing facilities (workers are close to one-another in refrigerated space)
- Cruise ships
- Hospitals to health care workers. (hospitals have compartmentalized and filtered ventilation, but not as good as an outdoor breeze)
- Prisons
- Call centers
- Restaurants
- Large housing complexes in high-density cities – spreading in hallways and through walls??
- Entire cities with public transit and skyscrapers.
- Young people crowding beaches are probably also hanging out indoors after a long day in the sun. Duh. You can show pictures of them outdoors but there is an indoor component as well.
- The major proven spreaders are indoors, not outdoors.
EBSRS-CoV-3 / COVID-19 is domestic! It was born in air-conditioned space. It spreads in air-conditioned space. It lives in air-conditioned space.
We could not spread this thing faster if we tried. The virus knows us better than we know ourselves. We concentrate exhaled breath around us on purpose for efficiency in air conditioning and COVID-19 loves it!
The Solution
Be outside. If not, open the windows. Divide and conquer. Send COVID-19 outside to die. Release the virus pressure switch. Spread the enemy’s troops far from their logistical lifeline, which is concentrated exhaled breath. Go to the beach! Go to parks! Sit on an outdoor patio! A simple light breeze is your friend and protector!
Double protect. Turn on a fan. Disperse the virus army.
Triple protect. Let in as much UV sunlight as possible. Neutralize the virus army over time.
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