Personal Finance

Buying a home requires planning and preparation. The better prepared we are, the better deal we get from the bank, and the better deal we can get on a house. As a real estate agent, I see the benefits of financial planning (or disadvantage if lacking) with all of my clients! Financial planning = home ownership = financial planning!

Vineyard Columbus Financial Ministry

Vineyard Columbus church has excellent no pressure small groups to give you support in your path to financial freedom:

eFinPLAN (.com)

Kent Irwin is a friend of mine and a financial minister at Vineyard Columbus. He operates this reasonably-priced financial planning website here called eFinPlan. The important thing is to get a plan and stick to it!

Dave Ramsey

Introduction to Dave Ramsey

How to Budget

Budgeting Tools


My 2 Cents: The Big Choices, and That’s It

In the end success comes from our own discipline, restraint, and choices. We know what to do. Doing it is the hard part. The small daily choices are the really difficult ones because we have to stay strong every day, day in and day out. Fortunately, there are three main decisions that really matter: easy credit, our car, and our house.

Cut up all but one credit card. Pay it off every month. If you can’t handle that, cut that card up and go all cash. Difficult, but simple.

Save for a car and only buy what you can actually pay cash for. Difficult, but simple.

Buy a house instead of rent, and buy one that you can afford. Take care of your house and your house will take care of you.

After these big choices, relax on the little ones. Go out to eat. Enjoy cable TV. Tip a little extra for those hard-working service job employees who are in the same struggle you are and help the next person out because your a financial winner now…

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