Intro to 18650 Li-ion Cells, by LDSreliance

How Many Joules?
- 1 Food Calorie (the one on nutrition labels) = 4,180 joules
- Note: 1 food Calorie defined as amount of energy to raise the temperature of 1Kg of water 1°C at sea level
- Typical smartphone battery charge: 41,760 joules
- One 18650 Li-ion cell: 43,074 joules
- 1 kBTU = 1.06 million joules
- Note: 1 BTU is defined as the energy required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1°F. 1 kBTU = 1,000 BTU.
- The rating system on appliances that we are familiar with that is shortened to “BTU” is actually BTU or kBTU per hour.
- 1 Kilowatt-hour = 3.6 million joules
- 2,000 food Calories = 8.4 million joules
- 1 gallon of gas equivalent = 120 million joules
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