On a fresh Debian VPN. Per WordPress.org’s own list:
sudo apt install apache2
sudo apt install php
sudo apt install php-curl
sudo apt install php-[the rest of the recommended extensions]
php -m
to see a list of the php extensions installed.
sudo apt install mariadb-server
sudo systemctl start apache2
sudo systemctl start mariadb
sudo mysql_secure_installation
mysql -u root -p
sudo apt install httpd mariadb mariadb-server php php-common php-mysql php-gd php-xml php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-xmlrpc unzip wget -y
Backup the Server
To make a backup file, sudo su root
then navigate to root directory, and:
tar cvpzf backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys /
Download the resulting file.
To restore:
tar -xvpfz backup.tgz -C /
then, mkdir /proc
, mkdir /lost+found
, mkdir /mnt
, mkdir /sys