
sudo apt install apache2 apache2-utils apache2-dev

Upload and Enable a Site

See linux commands post here.

With the commands above, you gave the non-root super-user sufficient permission to set up sites.

Upload any site directory to /var/www/html/your_site/

Go to /etc/apache2/sites-available/ and copy the default .conf file:

cp 000-default.conf your_site.conf

and modify with the following information:

ServerName your_site.com

ServerAlias www.your_site.com

ServerAdmin you@email.com

DocumentRoot /var/www/html/your_site

Use the following command to enable the site. What it actually does is copy the .conf file from /sites-available/ to /sites-enabled/:

sudo a2ensite your_site opposite is sudo a2dissite your_site

sudo systemctl reload apache2

to show some server information:

ps aux | grep apache2 | less


to get out of this command.