On 2 November 2020 I decided to depart the corporate career path (energy engineer) for the rest of my life. My knee-jerk solution was to learn to sail and make sailing my occupation somehow. Regardless of what I do, I made the decision because of a fundamental idea: I am convinced that true progress in the next several decades will not be in new technologies, but in learning to use the existing technologies in a more wholesome way. As I went down the list of categories on my blog, I realized my decision affects almost every category.
Brazil Now What Migration Series: I once again do not know where I will go.
English Lessons: language is basic. Will I teach English from a sailboat?
Industrial Change Surfing: Industrial Change Surfing is about decisions – this was an enormous decision based on industrial changes.
Rage and Frenzy Politics: I believe the current polarized divisive politics partly arise from frustration with the diminishing returns of tech. (A pause for sailing is in order!)
Real Estate: boats are floating real estate. (the tax is maintenance!)
Travel: Sailing is the oldest form of long-distance water travel!
Ventures Quarterly: I have not been faithful to quarterly updates lately, but this obviously represents a ventures update.